Design Intent

Yorkville is a community-focused development that emphasizes multi-modal connectivity, the mixing of uses and densities and innovative approaches to design. The design of the community capitalizes on the unique character of the site, using the community centre and its surrounding amenities to create a strong central place for the community. The development transitions from a more urban form along Sheriff King to a more grid based residential neighborhood moving west towards the creek.
The community centre serves as sustainable feature at the heart of the community, integrated with a stormwater management pond & wetland. Surrounded by higher order built form and designed to high architectural standards, this activity centre is accessible throughout the development, via a street network, multi-use trails, greenways and transit. The compact built form and mix use makes this community activity centre a hub for local cultural and social interaction.

Yorkville is a community for the young and old, the urban and suburban, students and professionals. The Yorkville community aims to attract people at various stages of their lives; first time home buyers, families looking for more space for their children or people simply interested in the desirable southwest Community. With diverse residents, the community will benefit economically and socially.