Design Intent

NAK was retained by the City of Grande Prairie to prepare the South Montrose Downtown Masterplan in 2015. The Master Plan identifies public and private programming opportunities in order to develop the South Montrose Site into an arts and cultural district in a phased approach.

The goal of this Master Plan is to provide a vision that responds to the policies and guidelines highlighted in the 2004 Downtown Enhancement Area Redevelopment Plan (DEP). The vision transforms the South Montrose Site into a sustainable and dynamic cultural destination that serves as a downtown focal point, and encourages year-round activity.

The South Montrose Site Master Plan is a process that began in September 2015. The Master Plan process was organized in four phases:

Phase 1 – Administration and Stakeholder Workshop #1
Phase 2 – Administration and Stakeholder Workshop #2
Phase 3 – Final Master Plan Documentation

The South Montrose Site Master Plan aims to build on Grande Prairie’s heritage and cultural background by creating an epicenter for arts and culture for the region. Based on community input and City policies, the Master Plan will fulfill the site’s potential as a cultural hub with yearround activity. The Master Plan was completed in May 2016 and is currently being presented to the public.